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Building Accountable Teams With Wundamail

September 27, 2019

User Guides, Workplace Culture

Myriad businesses across the globe keep their teams accountable with Wundamail. This week, we're talking about how to use a single daily email to establish a culture of responsibility within your organisation.

So, you’ve chosen Wundamail for your team. Congratulations- you’re well on your way to better leadership, improved productivity, and better group management. The process is simple- Wundamail sends a daily question to your team, then circulates the responses for all to see. Whether it’s saving time, eliminating the need for constant progress meetings, or just keeping everyone on the same page, you’ll soon be reaping the rewards of a daily team update.

Of course, each individual Wundamail reflects the team it serves, so users report a diverse range of advantages depending on sector, size, and the personality of its users. We’re constantly amazed by the creative and brilliant ways our customers take things way beyond a simple question and answer. Even so, our leaders and team members alike agree on one thing: when it comes to managing teams, Wundamail’s unique “accountability factor” has the power to transform team thinking.

So, what makes Wundamail different? The fact it’s designed with the human brain in mind. Built on a foundation of proven behavioural psychology, our software is designed to make decisions transparent, make actions searchable, and keep individuals responsible and proactive. So, without further ado, let’s focus on how to get the most out of Wundamail, in order to establish a culture of accountability within your team.

Consider Your Daily Question

Many of our customers simply ask “What have you done today?" every evening. Team members can jot down a quick sentence before closing their laptop, or tap out a response on the train home. It takes a moment, and is perhaps the best method when it comes to monitoring precisely what each person has accomplished on any particular day. It’s blunt, to the point, and will swiftly weed out any team members not pulling their weight. Furthermore, inviting the group to consider, articulate and share what they have worked on every day serves to clarify each person's goals and priorities. It encourages a culture of ownership, whereby team members take pride in their actions.

Other Wundamail leaders prefer to ask more open questions, in order to instil a greater sense of personal responsibility. For example, offering support, education and encouragement can breed a more open, collaborative atmosphere, in which members feel able to share areas of success, and also setbacks and failure. This leads to an improved understanding of how the company functions as a whole, promoting better engagement as employees are united and focused on a clear, common goal for the future.

The Power Of Peer Feedback

Asking questions is a good way of exposing performance issues within a team, eliminating roadblocks and unlocking deeper insights. But aside from simply highlighting problems, how does Wundamail actively improve team thinking?

The answer lies in the daily compilation email, and the repetitive psychological effect it ingrains. When team activity is broadcast to the whole group, team members are held accountable not only  to their boss, but to their peers and colleagues too. Naturally, this works to encourage a little healthy competition within the group, motivating each person to perform well and take pride in their work.

Furthermore, understanding other team members projects, pressures and priorities cultivates a more understanding group culture. When everything is transparent across an organisation, individuals are more likely to empathise when others are under stress, or offer to share the workload. This makes for a much more supportive, nurturing atmosphere all round. Everyone, from the CEO to the caretaker, is able to see the bigger picture and how it translates to each of their colleagues. Whether your people are confronting an issue, struggling with a roadblock, or accomplishing something wonderful, you (and all their peers) will be updated by email- once a day, every day.

Allow Room For Initiative

One of the most challenging aspects as team leader is understanding when to let go. Face it- you are never going to be able to lead every project, micromanage every employee or sit in on every meeting, so giving responsibility to people you trust is vital. Empower your team to have their own creative vision and choose a clear communication channel to relay information and keep tabs on each subsection of your organisation.

Giving your team a sense of ownership over their actions will pay dividends. If you meticulously micro-manage each project within an inch of its life, you team are far less likely to become invested in its success. Having a clear, automated feedback loop will allow you to monitor project progress, while giving individuals the space to innovate, push projects forward and think for themselves.

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