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Week In Review: 11.08.19

August 11, 2019

Team Management, Week In Review

This week at Wundamail HQ, we’ve been investigating all things motivation. With summer in full swing, people coming and going on holiday, and the lure of the beer garden, it can be harder to keep your team motivated and focused. To fight the midsummer monotony, we’ve compiled the best articles from around the web on the topic of motivation.

Click To Read: 13 Strange Ways To Stay Motivated At Work When It Seems Impossible on Bustle

In this thirteen point listicle, Erica Florentine undertakes a deep dive into how we can continue to focus on our work and remain motivated, even when it might seem impossible. Her tips vary from practical approaches such a list making, or asking for feedback, through to more mindful approaches that incite you to question your own perspective.

Florentine acknowledges that our minds all wander occasionally, but by introducing some of these anchor points, it may be easier to bring your focus back to the task at hand. The article is easy to read, with lots of useful links to relevant studies and other articles, if you wish to explore any of her tactics further.

Click To Read: What Do People Want From Work: Motivation on The Balance Careers

In this piece, Susan M. Heathfield, looks at the different kinds of motivation that can affect different kinds of employees. She examines both intrinsic and extrinsic forms of motivation to give a balanced view of how managers can adapt their approach to suit the needs of their team members. Of course, the article initially focuses on remuneration and fair benefits packages as a basic, and more traditional, form of motivation, but Heathfield deftly negotiates more complex factors such as contribution, growth opportunities etc.

Interestingly, the article references studies as far back as the 1980s that pose that many people want more from work than just money. This varies from fulfillment, to recognition and beyond. She finishes with a concise section about the effects of recognition and how this can influence morale within the office environment, something that can be contagious within a team.

Click To Read: 10 Simple Tips To Boost Work Motivation And Stay Productive All Day on

This blog post by Ben Mulholland throws a spotlight on the external factors that can affect motivation once you arrive at work. A lot of the time, the reasons why we’re not as focused at work can stem from something that is outside the office. Whether this is sleep, diet, worries at home, or just a bad commute, it doesn’t necessarily have to have occurred in the office to have a negative effect on your work.

Mulholland combines his tips with some useful infographics that include some amazing statistics to back up his reasoning. By leveraging this data and collating it into a short, ten point list of practical tips for anyone who works in an office, he creates a powerful guide for anyone trying to improve their motivation, their lifestyle, or their productivity as a whole.

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