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Business Burnout: How ‘Information Overload’ Is Killing Your Workforce!

October 27, 2020


What do you know about information overload? Sure, it’s pretty self explanatory; it’s exactly what it says on the tin - an overload of information. But what do you actually know about information overload? Information overload prevents us from making effective decisions or taking effective action due to the fact that we are just completely overwhelmed by the amount of information we are given.

But did you ever consider it may be having a major impact on individuals in your office right now? A recent study found that 68 percent of team leaders feel that information overload has had a negative effect on not only their professional relationships, but also their personal relationships. In fact, the same study found that over a third of employees felt that their mental health suffered due to information overload in the workplace.

These truly are alarming statistics, but if you stop and think about it, how surprising are they really? The modern world is intense. With the constant demand for technological development, people today are taking in more information than any generation that has come before them and it’s only going to get more ‘full on’. Be it via a newspaper, text, email or the internet, people are constantly taking in more information than we know what to do with.


So, too much information is bad, right?

Not necessarily. The issue seems to be the way that we get our information. Information overload is not just about the amount of information we are taking in, but more about the amount of different sources of information we now have access to. A recent article summarised information overload as “when we feel overwhelmed by multiple communication and information inputs from cyber-based and place-based sources of stimulation.” We are bombarded with information from all directions and this is what burns us out.

That is why we put our brains together to create a product that streamlines information for you and your team members! The final result - Wundamail.

By condensing lengthy daily meetings, instant messages, and video calls into one daily email, you present all the information in an easy to digest, slick compilation. Daily Wundamail’s can be referred back to over the course of a working day.

This means that finally we can wave goodbye to ‘on the spot’ irrational answers with no substance - meetings and Slack messages are notorious for these! The daily Wundamail gives all employees time to really digest the information and time to ponder their response. Higher quality responses, and more of them can only be a good thing for any workforce. Imagine the impact this could have on your business. The compilation condenses all of the responses and lays them out in an easy to read, easy to understand email. No more chains of responses, but one well presented compilation with every response from your entire team. Wundamail maximises efficiency, by minimising the noise!


Streamlined information = More time for stuff that matters!

By streamlining information, Wundamail also creates extra time for your workforce. Think about it? How long do you, or your team, spend a day scrolling down endless email chains trying to pick out the valuable information? Well, let us tell you. A recent study found that employees spend just under 30% of their day reading and answering emails. Or to put it in an even more daunting way, another study found that employees spend on average 30 days (720 hours) a year dealing with the never-ending flow of emails. 720 working hours a year, lost. This is all before we even factor in the time spent in meetings per year too (13 days, 312 working hours)... Scary, right?

We are constantly bombarded with information in the workplace- unnecessary meetings followed by never-ending email chains leave us internally screaming. Do your business, and your team a favour and switch to Wundamail.

Wundamail can streamline your business, improve productivity and shift the focus of the working day back onto the stuff that matters! Finally!


What are you waiting for? Come see for yourself!

Join us and thousands of other teams around the world and let Wundamail help your business and your employees unlock their full potential!

It’s simple to use and works within your team’s pre-existing email; just sign up, log in, and operate your team's account directly from our website. Still in two minds? Sign up for a free 14 day trial, no credit card required, no strings attached. Have a look for yourself and have a Wundaful day!



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