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It’s great to connect with your team, but virtual meetings don’t get work done. Daily check-ins do.



Writing sticks when chat evaporates. To make progress, you and your team need to share your thoughts and updates in a considered, complete way.


No meaningless streams of instant messages, no rambling virtual meetings. If it’s important, it's in your Wundamail.




Get your daily check in software






"Zoom fatigue" setting in? Here's how to manage your team the right way


Less Video, More Action - How Automatic Check-ins Benefit Your Team

We're all discovering that video calls aren't the way to promote productivity in your remote team.

Find out why successful remote managers use Automatic Check-ins to keep their teams efficient, productive and accountable


The Best Wundamail Templates For Video Call Follow Ups

When you hang up the video call what happens? Where's the accountability or the action plan?

Find out how Wundamail can keep your team motivated and drive hours after the video call ends.


Zoom Fatigue? How A Daily Check-in Could Double Your Productivity

Video calls has never been more popular. And somehow, businesses worldwide are struggling to get things done.

Find out how Wundamail's agile, daily check-ins can improve productivity

Get your daily check in software

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