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How Does Wundamail HQ Use Wundamail

April 27, 2020

Remote Working, Team Management

Several weeks ago at Wundamail HQ, we made the decision to take everything 100% remote. Using our automatic check-in software, the transition has been smooth and simple. So how do the Wundamail team actually use the software to get maximum results? Here’s how we use Wundamail in our day-to-day working lives.

Checking In

Now more than ever, it’s so important to check in with your people- and that’s exactly what we do every day with Wundamail. Remote working can be tough, especially if you’re not used to it, and as many people have pointed out, working from home during a crisis is not the same as regular remote working.

We’ve all got worries and things going on outside of our work lives, routines are changing, and this can all have an impact on our wellbeing, so checking in and making sure that your team are all doing as well as they can be is imperative. Suggest activities that might help them get out of a rut (within reason), get a different perspective. For example, one of our Wundamail’s encouraged an extended lunch break to go for a walk (following social distancing of course) to help brainstorm new ideas whilst improving personal wellbeing.


Following Up

One thing we’ve found- though it’s perfectly nice to see our team’s faces on a daily basis on video chat, we have to admit it accomplishes very little. Conversation quickly veers off topic, people forget what’s been said, and bandwidth issues can be a real problem. All in all, not overly productive. So, at Wundamail, we keep the video minimal. One sub-fifteen minute video call at the start of the day to touch base, and everything important or critical goes in the Wundamail. This means that when the chat evaporates, we can follow up on what gets written down, keeping everyone accountable and on track.


Directing Strategy

Often when a team is dispersed, it’s easy to get into a freelancer mindset, but it’s important to remember that you’re part of a team and working together towards a common, bigger goal. During a crisis this can often slip our minds- but it’s crucial to keep focused on the ‘big picture’, rather than just hopping from task to task without realising how it all ties together.

Especially in difficult times, belonging to a team can provide great comfort, and colleagues are often strong motivators. You’re not just completing tasks for yourself, you’re contributing to something bigger and the closer your team gets to that main goal, the greater the sense of team and individual accomplishment.



Keeping Tabs On Time

This is a big question mark for a lot of newly remote leaders. Many believe that employees use working from home as an excuse to slack off without the physical presence of a boss. Although research shows that the opposite is actually true, it remains a concern. Additionally, ensuring that your team’s time is being used in the right way, and they are prioritising the right tasks is vital. This method of time blocking is how we utilise our daily Wundamail, showing where our efforts are being used so that we can track it against results.


Ironing Out Issues

Finally, when we’re not all physically together in the office, it can be tricky to spot problems and blockers when they occur. Every so often, we change our daily Wundamail question to reflect this. It might be that everyone is okay and able to get on with what they need to, or they might remember that actually they’re waiting on something from someone else in the team, or they don’t have the piece of software necessary for the next stage of their project etc. It’s little things that let you know why there might be hold ups and remind the other team members of outstanding pieces of work.



Here at Wundamail HQ, we use our daily Wundamail in a number of different ways to truly get the most out of our remote team. Some days require different questions to others and the compilation that follows gives some truly great insights into the working process and progress of not just the individual team members, but the team as a whole, allowing you to improve overall efficiency, transparency and productivity.

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